Patriots DFMC (New Zealand) Inc.

Welcome to the website of the Patriots Defence Force Motorcycle Club (New Zealand) Inc.

We are a group of like-minded men and women who are either serving or ex-serving members of the Defence Force who enjoy common bonds – we enjoy riding motorcycles and have served or are currently serving our country. We are fiercely loyal to our flag and country, our families and our fellow members. As such we are a family-oriented club and happily invite members to bring their families along to our functions. 

We get together for a ride and meeting at least monthly, and regularly attend activities such as rallies, poker runs, and similar biking events.

You will notice on the Contacts page that there are now eight chapters throughout NZ – Auckland is the original and hosts this site.  Other chapters are South Island; Hauraki; Manawatu; Wellington; Deep South; Nelson, Marlborough and West Coast; and Hawkes Bay.  See the Contacts page here